There is always something that comes before.
The Truth-Telling Task Force was formed in response to the 2022 General Convention's mandate to have each diocese audit their relationship with the Indigenous Peoples on whose land the diocese now exists.​
This interactive timeline offers a history of the earliest inhabitants of California and the impact incursions had over the centuries.
​It is our responsibility as people of faith to educate ourselves on the suffering the Indigenous communities have and continue to endure. The purpose is not to create shame, but rather to work objectively towards justice and repair.​
This site will evolve and grow as new information, and links are available that strive to offer greater depth on our shared story. ​
- Click on any time period below to explore the era and the significant events.
- Follow highlighted links to tribal websites to experience the story in their own voice.
- Check out In the News for relevant articles and commentary.
- Go to the Resource pages for links and books for further exploration​
We invite you to participate by leaving comments on the Our MISSION page with your contact information.